Reputation Risk


Reputational risk, often called reputation risk, is a risk of loss resulting from damages to a firm's reputation, in lost revenue; increased operating, capital or regulatory costs; or destruction of shareholder value, consequent to an adverse or potentially criminal event even if the company is not found guilty.  Read more...

Released by Wikipedia 2014

Managing reputation risk

From a risk oversight standpoint, a company's reputation management is inextricably linked with its risk management and crisis management.  Effective identification and management of risk can identify major threats to reputation and ensure they are reduced to an acceptable level.  Read more....

Released by Corporate Compliance Insights 2014

Ten keys to managing reputation risk

With today's electronic media, the news cycle reporting on the downward spiral of a once-proud organisation that has suffered severe reputation impairment is not a pleasant one to watch.  Applied to a business, reputation represents in interpretation or perception of an organisation's trustworthiness or integrity.  Read more....

Released by Protiviti 2013

Managing reputation risk

Reputation is a complex concept. A prerequisite for doing business, reputation is like a ticket to a concert or sporting event - you can't get in without it. Reputation is fragile. What takes decades to build can be lost in a matter of days. While it is hard to define in terms of exactly what it is, everyone agrees it's important and recognises a reputation that has been damaged beyond repair.  Read more.....

Released by NYSE Governance Services 2014