Gender Diversity

Game changer - why we need to get serious about gender diversity at the top

Internationally, New Zealand might score highly as a good place for women, but in the corporate world this hasn't translated into senior roles, says influential American lawyer Mary Cranston.  Its time to lift our game, she tells Sally Wenley. Read more.....
Released by Kensington Swan 2014

Gender diversity lifts bottom line

Gender diversity is clearly and consistently associated with better financial performance.  This has been shown in a number of studies. Read more...  
Released by NZ Law Society 2014

Women's career progression in Auckland law firms

The Gender & Diversity Research Group was contracted by the Auckland Women Lawyers' Association (AWLA) to explore the reasons for the scarcity of women at senior levels in large law firms. The research study took place between November 2012 and December 2013. Read more...
Released by AUT 2014

Business case for gender diversity

While some might dismiss the retention and advancement of women in the profession as a 'women's issue' or something that does not affect them or their practice, the reality is this is a serious issue for the profession as a whole. Read more....
Released by NZ Law Society 2014