Compliance and the CCO


The Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) of a company is the officer primarily responsible for overseeing and managing regulatory compliance issues within an organisation. The CCO typically reports to the Chief Executive Officer or Chief Operations Officer. Read more...

Released by Wikipedia

Ten recent cases and developments that compliance officers should be aware of

This link takes you to an article that looks at new regulations and laws that have been enforced after recent cases around the world, and guides you on what your next steps should be to protect your compliance programme from any risks. Read more...

Released by the Red Flag Group January 2014

Toward a culture of compliance: eight initiatives CCOs can lead

More than just a set of policies and procedures,effective compliance risk management at the enterprise level can be viewed as a cultural ethic that should function like any other business asset that reaches across an organisation.  An effective way to get there is through a risk intelligent framework that brings compliance into the open, running throughout all business processes, with responsibility shared among all employees. Read more....

Released by Deloitte 2013

Ten reasons why a company should value their Chief Compliance Officer

Although it is unimaginable today, as recently as 2000 some large publicly traded US and non-US companies did not have a corporate compliance program, a compliance officer, a Code of Business Conduct, or any written policies and procedures to help detect and prevent misconduct, and ensure the company's compliance with applicable laws and regulations around the world. There were no compliance audits, voluntary disclosures, third party due diligence hiring and monitoring procedures, or robust legal compliance provisions included in contracts, if there was a written contract at all.  Read more.....

Released by Ethic Intelligence 2014