Operational risk management – a key issue for all organisations

Operational risk - a definition

Operational risk is the prospect of loss resulting from inadequate or failed procedures, systems or policies. Read more....

Released by TechTarget 2013

Risk management and internal control

In the wake of recent corporate reporting failures stakeholder, the investor community and the regulator are sharpening their focus on directors responsibilities and how effectively these responsibilities are discharged. Read more......

Released by PwC

In control and risk aware

With a number of changes on the legislative front, how can organisations stay abreast of what's happening and also reflect on how well they are doing at moving with the times? Read more...

Released by Kensington Swan 2013

Operational risk and modelling framework

All organisations bear operation risk in order to achieve their objectives. Operational risk is of primary concern to internal stakeholders including capital owners and management who control the operational risk. Read more......

Released by Milliman 2013