Innovation vs Governance

Ingenuity and innovation are characteristics kiwis are renowned for. The following is a series of 6 papers on managing the interaction between innovation and the need for good governance.

What is Innovation Governance? Definition and scope

How can companies effectively steer and manage a complex , cross-functional and multidisciplinary activity like innovation? Read more.....

9 different models in use for Innovation Governance

A review the various governance approaches or models that companies have put in place. Read more.....

Innovation Governance how well does it work?

A review of the perceived general effectiveness or inadequacy of innovation governance endeavors. Read more.....

Governing Innovation in practice the role of the Board of Directors

Delving deeper into the specific role of the board of directors in exercising their innovation governance responsibilities. Read more.....

Governing Innovation in practice the role of top management

Defining six domains that condition the way innovation will be carried out and sustained by the organisation and hence belong to the prime innovation governance duties of the top management team. Read more.....

Imperatives for an effective Innovation Governance system

Innovation performance reflects the strength of top managements commitment and engagement, and the credibility, skills and energy of the actors who undertake the governance mission. Read more.....

Released by Innovation Management 2013