Latest articles on risk and compliance

Behavioural risks could put companies in jeopardy

The research, conducted by board advisory firm MWM Consulting, concluded that boards find it hard to deal with long-term leaders who, as a result of their power, may be endangering the future of the company. Read more...

Released by ICSA Global October 2013

Avoiding challenges with governance risk and compliance

Since the financial collapse of 2008, new banking regulations have been put into place to prevent a similar crisis from reoccurring. Read more...

Released by Corporate Compliance Insights October 2013

Ethics and compliance issues: deciding where to focus

When designing a compliance program, it's important that organisations decide which risks to focus their attention on, from a spectrum of many possible issues. But how do they know they are focused on the right issues? Read more...

Released by Deloitte & Wall Street Journal October 2013

Mental illness in the boardroom a major risk for companies

We don't tend to think of people in the boardroom as having a mental illness, but it stands to reason that it can, and does, happen from time to time. Read more...

Released in CSA Journal September 2013