The Art of Minute-Taking

The Art of Minute-Taking

Minute-Taking is an art form that takes experience to master. This weeks Technical Brief provides links to some interesting guides to minute-taking.

How to take good meeting minutes

Many employees within organisations complain about too many meetings. Not only do they feel they waste a lot of time in meetings, they also feel that most meetings are ineffective. Taking good meeting minutes, a written record of what is being covered during a meeting, is a huge contributor to effective meetings ... READ MORE

How to write and keep meeting minutes

Minutes are the official record of an organisation. It is crucial that they are accurate since they are the legal record of the proceedings and actions of the organisation ... READ MORE

How to record useful meeting minutes

Do your hands cramp up at the thought of recording meeting minutes? Do you question what information you should record and what you should leave out? Youre not alone. Most of us have sat through a meeting madly scribbling what we thought were minutes only to find out later that weve missed essential information or that the notes were never used ... READ MORE

How to write Meeting Minutes: Expert Tips, Meeting Minutes Templates and Sample Meeting Minutes

With everything thats at stake in todays challenging times, its no wonder that employers prize accurate minute-taking skills more than ever before. Minutes serve as a permanent record of what was decided , what actions must be taken, who must take them and when ... READ MORE