China - the world's fastest growing major economy

Doing business with China

In the NZ Herald on Monday 19 August, there was an interesting article about JPMorgan Chase being investigated by US authorities over claims the bank hired the children of influential Chinese officials to secure business in the country ... READ MORE

Taxation and Investment in China 2013

An in-depth report on reach, relevance and reliability that looks at the investment environment, business taxation and the labour environment ... READ MORE

Released Deloitte Global Services - 2013

Three snapshots from China's next chapter

To fully grasp Chinas future direction, it is essential to understand its new middle class. A huge wave of increasingly affluent consumers will constitute Chinas urban majority in less than a decade. The rapid emergence of this prosperous, digitally savvy, individualistic, and sophisticated class of consumers is creating opportunities and challenges for the companies that serve them.

For a slideshow which looks at this consumer and urbanisation phenomenon by the numbers ... READ MORE

Released by McKinsey - August 2013

Attitudes to internal control from around the world: China

The updated COSO framework recognises today's more diverse and globalised economy, and the need for common standards across cultures and borders. In China, internal control leaders have to balance the recommendations of the framework with the nuances of their unique cultural traditions, business customs and the demands of a fast-evolving economy ... READ MORE

Released PwC Global - May 2013

Doing business in China

Improved international relations, government reforms, an expanding economy and increased foreign investment make doing business in China a potentially lucrative affair.

For a short guide to doing business in China, a few cultural facts and their influence on business culture and etiquette are explored. These are in no way meant to represent a comprehensive summary of tips on doing business in China but a highlighting of some important key areas one may encounter ... READ MORE

Released by Kwintessential