Understanding the tasks of directing

Directing is primarily about getting things done.

Someone has to do the things that either haven't or can't be delegated away. These things are the tasks of directing. As Peter Drucker put it:

"Somebody has to approve the decision what the company's business is and what it should be. Somebody has to give the final approval to the objectives the company has set for itself and the measurements it has developed to judge its progress toward these objectives. Somebody has to look critically at profit planning of the company, its capital investments policy, and its managed expenditure budget ... Somebody has to watch the spirit of the organisation, has to make sure that it succeeds in utilising the strengths of people and neutralising their weaknesses, that it develops tomorrows managers and that it rewards to managers, its management tools and management methods strengthen the organisation and directs it toward its objective."

That somebody is the board working with management as a team ... READ MORE

Released by On Directorship - 26 March 2013