Governance implications for New Zealand companies when dealing with non-Western markets

CSNZ presents an Essay Prize each year to the University of Waikato Management School and we are delighted to congratulate and publish the Essay of the 2011 winner Lynne Lawson announced on 1 May 2012.

"Corporate governance is not a new concept. The United States was the first country to issue a Code of Good Governance in 1978, Hong Kong was the second country in 1989 and up until 2008 there were 64 countries that had Corporate Governance codes in place. The increase of good governance codes was instigated by the World Bank and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which suggested the need to improve company corporate governance to help countries grow and develop. These days it appears country's search to create better corporate governance practices, in part as a fall-out from recent scandals, but also to encourage investors. Other external forces that dominate better corporate governance practices include "globalisation, market liberalisation, emergence of powerful foreign investors, and recommendations on global best practices by trans-national institution" ... READ MORE

Essay by Lynne Lawson - Law of Business Enterprises - University of Waikato - 2011