The business case for women on corporate boards - Developing a policy on diversity

The Ministry of Wormen's Affairs, Business New Zealand and the Institute of Directors prepared a business case in 2009 Women on Boards:  Why Women on company boards are good for business.  This review now updates and provides a comprehensive examination of the evidence for a link from diversity to improved company performance and market capitalisation.

The review draws from organisations in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Denmark including McKinsey, international law firm Eversheds, Catalyst, Reibey and the Conference Board of Canada, utilising data from Standard and Poors, Fortune 500, FTSE100, ASX500, and 2,500 of the largest Danish firms.

There are a number of possible explanations for the link between gender diversity and improved company performance … READ MORE.

In developing and building culture and instituting the processes, Chartered Secretaries Australia (CSA) on 13 July 2011 issued their Good Governance Guide:  Issues to consider in developing a policy on diversity. 

It is good governance for the boards of listed entities to develop a policy on diversity, and others advocate that the same philosophy and principles apply to all entities utilising board representation structures ...  READ MORE .