The Board Agenda - What Boards should be discussing

Position Paper 3 – PWC and Institute of Directors Southern Africa – Corporate Governance Network - March 2011

The ever-changing face of business requires companies to be innovative and dynamic in their assessment of the environment in which they operate in order to maximise value. However, there is a danger that boards may be stifled by process and formality and may be bogged in detail as opposed to having a holistic view of the opportunities and threats facing a company. It is also important that the board has a focused and incisive approach to matters so that board meetings do not deal with matters that should be dealt with by management.

“The board’s role is one of providing effective, responsible leadership, strategy and direction to the company in an ethical and sustainable manner” …

”It is important for board members to ensure that they receive the appropriate information in order to enable them to make informed decisions. The information contained in board papers should, therefore, be focused on the milestones and strategy that the company has set. A degree of professional scepticism and judgement is required in order to ascertain if all the relevant information has been obtained”….

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