Sustainable Business Reports - Are you ready to participate?

“The trend in corporate reporting has moved away from solely compliance-related disclosure to include a larger range of information that is widely regarded as relevant material to both the company’s longer–term financial performance and its broader based sustainability challenge. Many companies find that the process of collection and analysis of data on sustainability issues is beneficial; measurement is the first step towards improvement.

SustainAbility, a London-based think tank, states that globalisation is also pushing this agenda, as companies shift more of their operations to developing countries.  Globalisation can accentuate a company’s vulnerability to sustainability problems.  As more complex supply chains snake around the globe, more robust reporting is required.”

Please click here to download a copy of Martin Kelly’s article Sustainable Business Reports – Are you ready to participate? which was first published in NZLawyer in July 2011 by LexisNexis.  Martin Kelly is an Affiliate of Chartered Secretaries New Zealand Inc.